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Week 6 Final Project

Week 6 Final Project

Q Week 6 - Final Project Imagine that you are the Vice President of Global Learning for a large organization that is expanding its multinational operations. The projected plan indicates that your workforce will increase by 20% in the next five years. Currently, there is no uniform performance management system within the organization. Managers within different channels of the company create their own “rules” when it comes to leadership development and performance feedback. This is true at the multinational level, as well. In a 10-12-page proposal to the CEO (excluding title page and References section), suggest an effective global performance management system strategy that incorporates the following components: 1. Employee engagement assessment- Measuring the degree to which employees are involved and satisfied with management and with the work environment 2. Leadership development- Plans to enhance leadership skill set 3. Succession planning- Plans to create internal promotional opportunities for future high-level positions, and 4. Performance feedback model- Way to best provide feedback and direction on employee performance so as to impact future performance. 5. Compensation model- How will employees be rewarded for expected behavior and/or performance improvement? Also, detail how you will account for generational and cross-cultural differences when implementing the system. Include ways that your strategy will support organizational development and organizational effectiveness. Further, explain how you will measure the success of the overall system. Use at least 10 peer reviewed articles to support your suggestions. This assignment is worth 32 points of the total course grade. This assignment aligns with the following weekly outcomes: 1, 2. This assignment aligns with the following course outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. ________________________________________ NEW Assignment Type: Please click here to review instructions on how to submit your assignment.Links to an external site. ________________________________________ Grading Criteria Content CriteriaTotal: 14 Assignment meets content criteria. Paper and PowerPoint meet the requisite page/slide count requirements. The paper details how the writer will implement an effective global performance management system strategy within an expanding multinational organization. Concepts like employee engagement, leadership development, succession planning, and performance feedback models are examined. Writing and Organization CriteriaTotal: 9 Writing style is clear and concise. Tone is academic and appropriate for the content and assignment. Thesis statement is clearly articulated. Structure is logical, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. Flow is maintained by effective transitions. Rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling are followed. Adherence to APA formatting requirements is evident. Research CriteriaTotal: 9 Sources are credible (preferably peer-reviewed), varied, relevant, and current (published within past five years); use of seminal work (e.g. Freud) is encouraged. Sources inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving and decision-making. Includes required number of professional/scholarly sources. Addresses ethical considerations in research when appropriate. PreviousNext

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As per the scenario, the large organisation which is trying to expand its multinational operations holds no such uniform system of performance management. Thus, because of this, the managers who operate within different channels of the company most of the times are found to be setting their own rules under the development of leadership and performance feedback. This operates in the same manner at the international level as well. Thus, being the Vice President of Global Learning, some of the most effective form of global performance management system strategy is undertaken for measuring the engagement of the employees in the organisation, leadership development, succession planning, performance feedback model and also in terms of the compensation model as well (Bartram, 2004).